Wordy Wednesday: Pickin’ and grinnin’

15 Aug

I found a pair of hotel pitchers at the flea market. Different hotels, but both marked.


This case is original to the ROLLER SKATES hidden inside!


My vow to buy NO. MORE. BOOKS. was quickly broken when I saw this at the flea market.


Cut velvet from the flea market


Found this amazing cooler in Georgetown at Gatherings. Too scared to bring it in the house since I’m purging, it’s resting sweetly at the shop.


Chair once belonged to a friend, pillows belonged to a neighbor and the book was the second vow-breaker I found Sunday at the flea.


You’d break a vow for this too. I just know it.


Scale part! Nice ‘n’ rusty. Karly got its much better twinkie at the flea.


I’m now the proud owner of a kazillion of these bottles. “If you buy them all, I’ll make you a really good deal.” She wasn’t joking. Therefore, I bought!


A pair of these came home with me from the flea. One will be heading to college with the elder son, if I can convince myself that it won’t cause a fire in a 1930s dorm…


Maybe my favorite find from Sunday. I don’t know why.


SOLD! One blue and one white fish-shaped pool lounge chair. G-sale success…


Egads…leftovers from a box lot auction buy. Never again.


Childhood memories…


This table remained unchanged and unsold at the g-sale. Maybe it was too cute for its tablecloth.

Toward the end of last week I was all, “I’m so tired of STUFF!” I was smack dab in the middle of trying to make some kind of sense out of our storage room when the garage sale idea was born.

So we had our garage sale over the weekend. Two full days in 100-degree heat. We ended up about $1300 richer, thanks to a couple of sweet sales and my trendy taste in furniture. (Joke)

My husband was out of town during the whole shebang. Before he flew away to cooler temperatures, I warned him that I might sell everything. (That right there is some kind of creepy cool foreshadowing.)

Little did I know that the raspy-voiced woman from our last g-sale would return. Little did I know that she, in her too-short shorts and skimpy tank top, had connections. And maybe because we suffered sights that should remain unseen while we helped her load at our last sale, we were met with some kickin’ karma: Her connection spent $900 with me. And I have his card just in case I decide I can part with my dining room furniture at some point in the future.

Because I like to sweat so much, I got up nice and early Sunday morning for some flea market action. I would’ve skipped it had I not been meeting Karly, of Gypsy Treasures fame. She’s so much fun to hang with, as is her hubby. And their kids are precious…even if the wee one had his shorts on backwards. Or maybe because he did. They arose at 0-dark-thirty to make the trek to San Antonio from Boerne, which is quite a drive when you have a 7 am play date, though not as far as Houston or Louisiana, where they used to live. So glad she’s close enough that we’ll get the chance to be more than 6-month friends!

Most of the pictures above are flea market finds from Sunday. A couple are from our garage sale. I tried to make the sale cute, but nothing’s cute in a brown yard when it’s 100 degrees.


10 Responses to “Wordy Wednesday: Pickin’ and grinnin’”

  1. Tracy @ Rusted Gingham August 15, 2012 at 3:43 pm #

    I’m lovin the fish…whatever it is! Glad you made money while you sweated!

    • junkology August 15, 2012 at 4:59 pm #

      Thanks, Tracy! The fish is one of a pair of molded fiberglass motel pool lounge chairs. They were big sellers…$300 for the pair! I’ve seen a pair for $800, so that was a pretty good deal for the buyer.

  2. Collin's Mom August 15, 2012 at 5:43 pm #

    Shorts on backwards? You REALLY need to spend more time with Collin. He thinks ALL clothing is best worn backwards. Tshirts especially. So much so that I am now in the habit of checking the BACK of his shirts for stains when I put them in the wash. Cheers.

    • junkology August 15, 2012 at 5:46 pm #

      I really DO need to spend more time with Collin. I think he’s my type o’ kid. (You check for stains?)

  3. robelyn August 16, 2012 at 1:04 am #

    sew… you’re holdin’ the cut velvet for me ’til i can get there with some green stuff, right?

    what’s the problem with shorts on backwards? mine have been on backwards ALL. DAY. LONG!!!

    perhaps i’m Karly’s long lost relative? maybe? yes?


    you crack me UP!

    • junkology August 16, 2012 at 9:31 am #

      I certainly can add them to your pile, which currently holds only a tater masher and a polkadot scarf. I really need to get rid of all these friend piles!!! Road trip, anyone? Hope you had a happy birthday…

  4. debbie york August 16, 2012 at 7:53 am #

    Hey at least he had on shorts that covered. Don’t you wish your raspy lady would do the same? I’m just sayin’!
    And that’s $3×5 to you!!!
    P.S. One question…did Chuck take out all challengers before succumbing to the heat himself?

    • junkology August 16, 2012 at 9:29 am #

      I have no words. ; )

  5. kristin September 30, 2012 at 11:01 am #

    your post is awesome!! your husband should be so proud- got rid of extra stuff AND made money…winner, winner, chicken dinner! score!!

    • junkology December 28, 2012 at 12:55 am #

      Thank you, Kristin!!! He LOVES it when we get rid of stuff and make some dough at the same time! xo

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